Friday, May 30, 2014

Spy High a Free Market Solution to the PTSD Crisis in America: AEI- this is a Free Market Solution:):)

I told a guy from the University of Chicago that my goal was to get a lawyer to do mediation with NISSAN for outing me as a former CIA researcher & use the money to open a Coffee House like the ones in Amsterdam & call it Spy High - Maybe I'll partner with Starbucks, Peet's or Seattle's Best?   He said it's really a good idea & to get it going sooner I'll need investors. Uncle Sheldon? 
FYI- The process to fight whistleblower retaliation is taking too long.  My life is "on hold" and it's been 5 years since NISSAN put me in the computer as the companies #2 security risk.  That company helps Putin and Khomeini and I'm the whistleblower that said America should NOT give money to a company that harms our troops   Call me 615-944-7599.

In a Spy High Coffee House I'll have a room called "the club" and it will be a special place for Vets.  It will be decorated with medals and reminders of how great out troops are.  I'll hire vets to work at the shop... I even told him I wanted to "grow it"... that way I knew what would be sold would be organic and safe.  I'll hire an PTSD counselors to manage the coffee house.  I see this as a neighborhood type bar... no alcohol served... 

More Soon.....  This could be a "test" for PTSD treatment.  Maybe I could get the VA to help... Hope they listen to me fast.. don't want to be put on a "wait list".. the vets tell me they need me cause the VA is too busy to help PTSD sufferers... huh.   This could be a win-win. 

I too suffer from PTSD
Because I suffer from PTSD & during the Lockerbie cover up (railroading of Megrahi) I lived in the Netherlands.  I saw that marijuana can be used responibly & taxes can be collected.  Once it's common it's not abused and in the case of PTSD it works...If ya'll knew what I knew and can't talk about you'd understand WHY the marijauna solution needs to be "on the table" it's not to be used everyday but on weekends simply to give those that suffered great trauma a break from living with the STRESS.  People when coached know that it's just to be used for recreation.  People when education know that by making it available/legal it removes the stigma & that allows for greater transparency and accountability . If people abuse marijauna they lose their license to smoke it.  YES!!!  I want people that come to Spy High to "register" then if their every involved with a crime their kicked out of "the club"....  I was told the ONLY way to get the Coffee House approved is to have it be a membership... OMG!!!  Someone please help me

We have LOTS to do ...

AEI- this is a Free Market Solution

General use of cannabis for PTSD Symptoms

Raphael Mechoulam, Ph.D.
Dr. Mechoulam is the Israeli scientist who identified THC as the psychoactive compound in marijuana, and decades later he discovered the brain's endocannabinoid system and the endogenous neurotransmitter anandamide. He is one of the most respected Israeli neuroscientists and has been a senior advisor to the Israeli government on marijuana policy and the ethics of research with human subjects. He discussed his experiments demonstrating the neuroprotective effects of the endocannabinoid system in mice that have had traumatic injuries to the brain. He believes the neuroprotective effects of marijuana may eventually have applications for other neurological and psychiatric conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Another fascinating discovery, one with implications for PTSD, is that the cannabinoid system is integrally related to memory, specifically to memory extinction. Memory extinction is the normal, healthy process of removing associations from stimuli. Dr. Mechoulam explained that an animal which has been administered an electric shock after a certain noise will eventually forget about the shock after the noise appears alone for a few days. Mice without cannabinoid systems simply never forget - they continue to cringe at the noise indefinitely.
This has implications for patients with PTSD, who respond to stimuli that remind them of their initial trauma even when it is no longer appropriate. By aiding in memory extinction, marijuana could help patients reduce their association between stimuli (perhaps loud noises or stress) and the traumatic situations in their past. Working with Army psychiatrists, Dr. Mechoulam has obtained the necessary approvals for a study on PTSD in Israeli veterans, and hopes to begin the study soon.

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